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  • HKU Outstanding Research Student Supervisor Award 2023

  • ACM Distinguished Member in 2023

  • Top 2% Scientists by Stanford University in 2022 

  • 2023 AI 2000 Most Influential Scholar Honorable Mention in Database 

  • SIGMOD Research Highlights Reward 2020 

  • HKU Knowledge Exchange Award (Engineering) 2021

  • Asia Smart Apps (Merit Award) 2021

  • SIGMOD Research Highlight Award 2021, on SIGMOD 2020 paper, “Efficient Algorithms for Densest Subgraph Discovery on Large Directed Graphs”.

  • HKICT Award 2021

  • Knowledge Exchange Award (HKU Engineering), 2021

  • Asia Smart Apps (Merit Award) 2020

  • Elected Fellow of Institute of Transport Studies, the University of Hong Kong, 2018.

  • Visiting Research Professors Scheme 2020-23, for the visit of Prof. Sihem Amer-Yahia of the Laboratorie d’Informatique de Grenoble, France (HKD 399,000).

  • Outstanding reviewer award, 35th IEEE Intl. Conf. on Data Engineering (IEEE ICDE 2019), Macau SAR, China, Apr 2019.

  • William Mong Visiting Research Fellowship 2018-19, with Prof. Berti-Equille from University of Aix-Marseille, France, on “OGC: On-demand Graph Cleaning”.

  • William Mong Visiting Research Fellowship 2015-16, with Prof. H. V. Jagadish from University of Michigan, on “Data Ethics: A Socio-Technical Framework for Doing Big Data Right”.

  • Outstanding Young Researcher Award 2011-12, the University of Hong Kong (granted a funding of HKD 300,000 and a research postgraduate student position), awarded on 27th March, 2013.

  • William Mong Visiting Research Fellowship 2011-12, with Prof. Divyakant Agrawal from University of California, Santa Barbara, on “An Uncertain Database System for Cloud Environments”.

  • Prize Presentation Ceremony 2010-11, Faculty of Engineering, November 2011 (for recognition of excellence in research activities).

  • Universitas 21 Fellowship 2011-12 (for visiting the National University of Singapore in July-August 2011, with an award amount of HKD 50,000).

  • Research Output Prize in Department of Computer Science, on the journal article entitled “Scalable processing of snapshot and continuous nearest-neighbor queries over one-dimensional uncertain data”, with a monetary award of HK$60,000, awarded by the Faculty of Engineering, HKU, 2010.

  • Outstanding Service Award (as Registration Chair), in the ACM 18th Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), November 2-6, 2009, Hong Kong.

  • Performance Reward, Department of Computing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2007.

  • Performance Reward, Department of Computing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2006.

  • Microsoft sponsorship for attendance to the 6th Workshop on Privacy Enhancing Technologies in PET 2006.

  • Member, Upsilon Pi Epsilon (UPE) Honor Society for Computer Science, Purdue Chapter, 2003

  • Travel Grant Award for 1st Intl. Workshop on Data Management for Sensor Networks (DMSN) in VLDB 2004

  • Dean’s List, Purdue University for outstanding academic achievements, 2001 – 2004

  • Runner-up for IT Innovation Award, University of Hong Kong, for a study project about the use of IT for education development in Singapore, 2001

  • Runner-up for Open Category in the Web Design Competition in Hong Kong, for designing a website about free economy of Hong Kong, 2000

  • Graduate of the Leadership and Life Skills Class in the University of Hong Kong, a one-year course for leadership and social skill development, 2000 – 2001

  • Best Paper Award for the paper “Updates and View Maintenance in Soft Real-Time Database Systems” in the 2nd ACM Hong Kong Postgraduate Research Day, 1999

  • Dean’s List, the University of Hong Kong for outstanding achievements, 1995-1998

  • First Class Honor (Bachelor of Engineering), the University of Hong Kong, 1998

Awards Won by Supervised Staff and Students

  • Eashan, Aditya, and Patrick, my UG students, won the Young Professionals Exhibition and Competition (YPEC 2020), Instiution of Engineering and Technology (IET).

  • Chenhao Ma, my PhD student, won the Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited Postgraduate Scholarship 2019-20.

  • Rutian Ma was awarded the HKU Undergraduate Research Fellow Programme, for doing a project on graph embedding, supervised by Dr. Reynold Cheng, in June-August 2018.

  • Jiafeng Hu, my PhD student, won the Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited Postgraduate Scholarship 2017-18.

  • Yunfan Kang won the Third runner-up prize for the HKU Final-Year Project Competition, on C-Explorer: Browsing Communities in Large Graphs, 2017-18.

  • Yunfan Kang was awarded the HKU Undergraduate Research Fellow Programme, for doing a project on community search, supervised by Dr. Reynold Cheng, in June-August 2017.

  • Fung Yuet was awarded the HKU Undergraduate Research Fellow Programme, for doing a project on meta-path analysis, supervised by Dr. Reynold Cheng in June-August 2016.

  • Xu Fangyuan and Wu You won the “Best 50 Final Year Projects” by Hong Kong X-Tech Startup Platform, on “Mining HKUCS Graduate Student Data: Extraction, Analysis, and Prediction”, 2016-17.

  • Lau Piu Lam, Lo Ming Fai, Vinny Wong, and Dongguang You won the Bronze Award in the China Pan-Pearl River Delta Region University IT Project Competition 2016.

  • Yudian Zheng, my PhD student, won the Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited Postgraduate Scholarship 2015-16.

  • Yudian Zheng, my PhD student, won the SIGKDD 2016 Student Travel Grant.

  • Zhipeng Huang, my PhD student, won the SIGKDD 2016 Student Travel Grant.

  • Yudian Zheng, my PhD student, won the SIGMOD 2015 Travel Grant, $400 AUD.

  • Jason Meng, my MPhil student, won the WWW 2015 Student Travel Grant.

  • Lau Pui Lam, Lo Ming Fai, Wong Vinny, and You Dongguang won the Third runner-up prize for the HKU Final-Year Project Competition, on A Mobile and Intelligent Student Interview System for HKUCS, 2015-16.

  • Luyi Mo, my PhD student, won the Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited Postgraduate Scholarship 2012-13.

  • Luyi Mo, my PhD student, won the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship awarded by the Hong Kong RGC, 2011

  • Lau Kai Wai Elvis, Lau Si Kit Alex, Li Tang Tommy, Chau Kei Man won the Champion prize for the HKU Final-Year Project Competition, on An Intelligent Mobile Transport System, 2010-11.

  • Bryan Hui, Li Man Ho, Michael Lau, and Hao Chan won the First runner-up prize for the HKU Final-Year Project Competition, on Energy-aware location-based services, 2009-10

  • The HKU programming team, named “Far” and coached by Dr. Reynold Cheng, obtained an honorable mention in the World Finals of the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest, in Stockholm in April 2009. Our team is among the 100 teams in this prestigious competition, which are chosen from 7,109 teams from 1,838 universities in 88 countries on six continents.

  • The HKU team, coached by Dr. Reynold Cheng, won the 2nd Runner-Up award in the IBM Inter-University Programming Contest 2009, which consists of 37 strong teams from universities in Hong Kong and Macau.

  • Three HKU programming teams, coached by Dr. Reynold Cheng, won the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Awards in the ACM Collegiate Programming Regional Contest (Indonesia), Binus University, Indonesia, Oct 20-21, 2008.  The teams were among the top ten, with “Far” obtaining the highest ranking as the 4th among 49 strong teams.  HKU was also the 2nd runner-up university in this prestigious competition.

  • Chan Hong Ming won the Merit Awards of the Charles Baggage Final Year Project Awards, HKPU, 2007/08

  • Kitty Yuen won the champion of the Amway Pan-Pearl IT Project Competition, China, for the final year project in 2007. The goal of the project is design a two-dimensional uncertain database, based on the ORION database system that I developed earlier. The Competition is organized by Guizhou Computer Federation, and the Internet Professional Association is the co-organizer in Hong Kong Region. After a local competition held in Hong Kong, 4 teams from 9 local tertiary institutions are selected to represent Hong Kong in final judging held in Guiyang, Guizhou. The final judging involves outstanding students from Macau and 9 provinces in the Pan-PRD region: Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Hunan, Hainan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunan and Jiangxi. 

  • Kitty Yuen and Terry Wong won the Merit Awards of the Charles Baggage Final Year Project Awards, HKPU, 2006/07.

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